No skimmer will kill you on a sps tank
There are a lot of people who run skimmer less sps tanks. Not saying it's easy but if done right it definitely won't kill him.
I don't understand all these fears about going skimmerless on an SPS tank. I went skimmerless for months on a 210. The colors and growth got better if anything, especially in Vivid's Rainbow. I only went back to using a skimmer because I got an algae issue, which is now fixed.
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Only fear is the fear of the unknown as I have always ran a skimmer. That's why I love the feed back on this site......
I don't understand all these fears about going skimmerless on an SPS tank. I went skimmerless for months on a 210. The colors and growth got better if anything, especially in Vivid's Rainbow. I only went back to using a skimmer because I got an algae issue, which is now fixed.
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