How much does your alk drop in a day


Well-known member
Just wondering how much does alk drop for you guys

Every ones system is different so intrested in knowing

The system size, how much your alk drops if no dosing and how and what you are dosing to counter it

To start with

Mine is a 50 cube with 10 in the sump and alk drops by a point every 2 days like 8-7
Right now only dosing manually but have to set up the magic marine doser soon and will be dosing reef fusion to start with
Becareful with those dosers my buddy has one and had two issues one head broke shipon dump bunch of alk then had another head pop off dump half gallon of calcium . He googled and found others had same issues
Becareful with those dosers my buddy has one and had two issues one head broke shipon dump bunch of alk then had another head pop off dump half gallon of calcium . He googled and found others had same issues

Which is exactly why I'm still leaning to see if kalk in the ato would suffice my needs instead of doser :)

One of the reasons for this thread
I'm not sure how much alk that is, but I dose 100ml of BRS alk via doser every day.

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I'm not sure how much alk that is, but I dose 100ml of BRS alk via doser every day.

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Assuming your total water volume is 120 gallons it's about a 0.5 drop in alk

:) thanks nino and what doser do you use ?
I have about 100 gallons total volume, and I believe my alk is dropping around .5 dkh per day. I'm still in the monitoring phase and haven't started fully daily dosing.
Im about same as nino ive had it dialed in for while and forgit how much it dropped daily . Its goona depend on how big colonies r i got away with kalk for few yrs till corals grew then it couldnt keep up i love the bra dosers ive had no issues since day i started i use a reefkeeper to control them
I have a 180 mixed , i run a calcium reactor so my alk doesnt usually drop ? I check it about once or twice a week to make sure its still stable but usually run between 8.5 / 8.9 calcium about 440/460 ??