How often you feed ?????


Premium member
HOW OFTEN YOU FEED ????? stopped by my pops yesterday and he feeds fish mysis at 7.00 a.m. , 3 clips of lettuce at 10.00, auto pellet feeder at 1.00 , mysis again at 5.00 at 3 clips of lettuce at 7.30 … Fish are FAT & healthy Sohal has tripled in size in 2 mos . water is pristine and nitrates 15 I mentioned feed mysis & pellets 1x per day and maybe lettuce 2 Xs per week just my .02
My auto feeder feeds 2 rotations at 1 pm, I feed nori at 4:30, frozen at 7:30 my eel every other day 1 freeze dried krill

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I feed two cubes of frozen (one right when I get home from work and one in the late evening). I also have an AFS that feeds 5 times a day. Fish are all fat and happy. NO3 and PO4 are nondetect (actually dosing for these two). I feed AF Aminos and AF Phyto Feast 1xday as well.

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Dry food daily in the morning, then a frozen mix every other day. And I’ll feed heavy as I’ll feed the coral every other day as well.