so cool. I love these guys.
this really is blowing my mind. They are basically manipulating a thin halocline over the surface of their entire body to change their appearance. If you aren't a diver who has been in a place where freshwater meets salt (cenote, chac moul for me ((so awesome))), you probably never heard that word, but it's the blur you see when you add your ATO water or mix saltwaters of different concentration. I think it happens because water density affects the absorption rate of the different wavelengths of light. I have always been a HUGE fan of Cephalopoda and this just further solidifies their position of coolest animal in general. If I didn't personally believe they may be sentient I would totally set up a squid or octo tank. Many years ago I got to dive with a marine biologist that was studying octos off Maui and just had my mind blown by their uniqueness and their amazing abilities. so cool.
Yup that's it!!
Found a vid of the lake under the sea.
the lack of oxygen causes euphoria before you die same reason people get high from huffing. I used to worry about drowning as a kid in lake Erie till I found that out.