How to catch a fish


New member
Ok people I wanna know everyones tricks on how to get some stubborn fish out of your tank. I need to know how you go about getting out some fish that are hiding in 150+ lbs of lr. Someone told me to put a store bag in the tank with some food and they would go right in. I tried that yesterday and only the 2 fish that I want to keep went in the bag. The ones that need to be relocated wanted nothing to do with it.:banghead:
Does anyone have a trap that they would be willing to borrow me????????? I could even leave you a deposit if you don't trust me.
I feel your pain :banghead: Im in the same boat as you with a fish in my tank.. He knows me now and hides in my rock work.. But if I catch him.. I feel so sorry for him!!
I wait until they are sleeping and grab them then. I go in with a flash light so I do not wake them up. It is usually pretty easy to grab them once you figure out where they are sleeping.
If I don't get them out by the end of the week I'll have to take the ride to O'hare. I'm near I294 so it's not that bad of a ride.
The 2 that need to come out are completely out of site at night. I've tried looking for them and couldn't find em.
Have you tried the inverted bottle method yet that worked for me or I use a stick and a net and try to scare.them out the.hole if all else fails half stick should do the.trick lol
My husband is having troubles getting a fish out of his tank.. He replaced his pink pseudochromis (that got munched by his coral banded shrimp) with a purple stripe pseudo. She's a bully to his lawnmower blenny and she's quick. Tried the bottle for a few days - no luck. I think he should just put the coral banded back in there..
What I do now, if I need to catch fish, is I wait til early in the morning after the tank has been completely dark for a few hours. I turn on the lights at full blast while they are sleeping. They are all stunned and still sleeping and I net them. Easy peasy!! This wouldn't work though for burrowing fish that go in to my yellowhead jawfish. She buries himself in his tunnel. It's adorable.
I've heard of the bottle trick but never saw the actual setup

i've done this and it works quite well. I tied a long piece of fishing line around the bottle and sat in front of the tank. If a fish or shrimp came by to explore and they were not the one you want to trap I'd give a little tug on the fishing line to move the bottle and scare the fish away. eventually the fish I wanted caught went in. it also migth help if you skip a few feedings.

Here are some instructions...
So much for the bottle trap. These fish are definitely smarter then I thought. Only one fish keeps going in there and the others want nothing to do with it. I'm a week in and I'm starting to think about pulling everything out. (crazy right)
it works with hungry fish only!!!! take clear glass bowl dosent have to be big put it slowly into the water with one hand and with the other hand put some food into the bowl and slowly pull it up works for me preaty good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!