How to induce a BTA to split?


New member
So my lemon drop BTA is getting monstrously huge in my little Biocube again. Thankfully, he split before he got this big last time, but I'm not so lucky this time. Yes, I realize that I probably shouldn't be feeding it so much so it didn't grow so fast/big.... Besides that though, I'm literally damming him off from my corals with pieces of LR and he's starting to climb the dams!
Any thoughts or suggestions?
And no, I don't want to sell him as-is!
From my experience warm WC and those cubes of brine shrimp (Don't defrost) feed the entire cube. This has done the trick at times..

But other members just cut them...
I have seen videos of people slicing them in two. Similar to fraging some soft corals.

Other than that I would continue to feed the nem and hope that it splits on its own.
I'm not a fan of cutting up nems myself. I think so much can potentially go wrong. I would try a natural way if you could first Dave. Just an opinion...
Not to mention the issue of getting him off the rock before cutting. With my luck, I'd damage the foot before I even started cutting and end up with 2 dead 'nems.
I am going to be more patient then last time though. Last time it split, I ended up with 3! Sold 2 to the same guy and he told me that the larger of the 2 split AGAIN days after he got it home!
if he does split can you sell me 1?
I'll tell you what I've told probably close to a dozen other people.... "it seems that EVERYONE wants one, you'll need to get in line".
Perhaps I'll host ChicagoReefs first auction - I could be a gazillionaire!
I'll tell you what I've told probably close to a dozen other people.... "it seems that EVERYONE wants one, you'll need to get in line".
Perhaps I'll host ChicagoReefs first auction - I could be a gazillionaire!

Dave. I did a crap load of research trying to see what causes them to split. No one really knows reasons, but I've seen stress makes them split. Some say for survival. Other people think they split bc they are happy.

If you want to split ur self... Taking the foot off the rock is very easy... If u take ur finger an gently rub it, not pull it, off the rock... I was able to get them off fairly simple. Crooks told me he uses zipties... He takes the point part and slips it in btwn rock and foot... It will eventually release. I've also heard some people use ice and touch the foot... It makes it release...
Since this is about a split.... I won't feel bad saying this :D

Crooks has the same one as pictures above for sale.. Same blood line!!! Call it what you want lemon drop, sunburst or skittles :D

Give him a PM if you want fast or wait the long line as Dave said for his.
Ive cut my bta successfully and had no problemz. I have a rbta I recently cut and I am going to cut my prized Sexy corals sig nem in about 4 Weeks.
Not to mention the issue of getting him off the rock before cutting. With my luck, I'd damage the foot before I even started cutting and end up with 2 dead 'nems.
I am going to be more patient then last time though. Last time it split, I ended up with 3! Sold 2 to the same guy and he told me that the larger of the 2 split AGAIN days after he got it home!

I've gotten a nem off a rock a couple times by putting the rock and nem in front of power head pretty close and gently pushing/pursuading it off the rock. Also I think tetheredlimbs l
Has cut news too if you need more advice on it