How to Post Photos on threads


Active member
I have noticed a lot of questions and problems regarding image/photo placement within threads and post. Below are some image/photo placement instructions assuming you are familiar with uploading images to Photobucket.

If you are not familiar with using photobucket creating an account is free. Click here for eHow’s photobucket image/photo uploading tutorial.

As a side note I strongly suggest you create an album strictly for CR within photobucket. If images are moved or removed within photobucket the image links will be changed and or removed and the images will no longer display on your created thread or post.

ChicagoReefs Image/Photo Uploading Instructions For Threads And Posts







Please see the next post for displayed image.​
better yet instead of taking the "direct link code" from photobucket, look a bit farther down and use the "img code." then you just paste the link into your body instead of having to click on the insert image button.
better yet instead of taking the "direct link code" from photobucket, look a bit farther down and use the "img code." then you just paste the link into your body instead of having to click on the insert image button.

+1 thats how i do it. or if i have them posted on my facebook i right click the image and click copy image address and paste it onto insert image box. :-)
I stumbled for weeks to figure this out...... I use picasa right click picture scroll down to properties click copy address open insert image and paste. You will get two http:// must only have one.

To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing
after it
keep in mind if u delete photos from photo bucket then they will delete what u posted prob everyone but me knew or can figure that out but dummy me did it just a heads up
We can't enter the photo contest unless we use photobucket? I can't just download it to CR?

You can upload directly to a gallery on the site if the image file size is below the requirement. Resizing is not against the rules because of this restriction. You still must resize the image locally on your pc before uploading.
Has there been some changes to the way images are uploaded? I can't seem to get the photo to display larger then a thumbnail unless you click on it. Suggestions? or is there a setting that needs readjusted? Thanks.