How To Reduce Your Zoanthid Healing Time?

infinite abyss

New member
About 2 weeks ago, I cut a polyp off my colony of red hornets.

The polyp has survived, but hasn't fully opened yet. Any recommendations

on how to make it heal quicker?
For me, it depends on how you frag it and glue it. Sometimes if I don't frag properly or glue it down properly, the polyp stays half closed or maybe 1/4 of it is open while the rest is closed and other times, it opens up completely the next day after fragging. I just made a few frags yesterday and today most of them are completely open. The few times I fragged before, only a few polyps out of the many frags I made opened up the next day while the rest took at lest a week to heal and open up all the way.
If its been two weeks already! I'm not sure if it will open at all at this point. You can try and dip, but it might a 50/50 chance to come back at this point IMO.

Now is the bump small from it's original cut?
I would just dip and hope for the best. It's hard when cutting one headers sometimes because if something doesn't settle right with it it will just go.
If its been two weeks already! I'm not sure if it will open at all at this point. You can try and dip, but it might a 50/50 chance to come back at this point IMO.

Now is the bump small from it's original cut?

The thing is, its semi open lol. Which is why I don't understand why it fully won't open already if its still alive. It's might be a tad smaller than when I cut it but its not fully closed nor is it shrinking lol.

I guess I'll just give it more time and see if it starts opening more after some time.

Maybe I didn't glue it properly like kratos suggested. Hmm. Could i have gotten glue on the polyp? I dont think so but who knows. I guess I'll just have to wait longer and see. I hope I didn't get any glue on the top of it by accident. Ill use minimal amount of gel next time i frag.

I'll wait to see if it starts sprouting new polyps then ill know its alive. ha
I'm just going to take extra measure to cut real slow and make sure i use minimal glue and glue it right.

Just fragged some blue tubbs clean cut with bone cutters. much easier when possible.
Where at in the tank do you have it located? The amount of flow and/or light may have something to do with it opening up half way.
UPDATE * i noticed today the red hornet has opened up fully and looks great! i guess all it needed was extra time to heal.

p.s i didn't touch it or move it, just left it alone.