how to remove anemone?


Active member
I have few mini maxi anemones in my tank . I will be redoing few things and would like to remove them from the rock they are on. What's the best way to remove them without harming them? Thanks for any suggestions.
What I've done before was take the rock and place it in front of the return. But u could also take a powerhead and point it at the nem if its on a rock that u dont wanna move. Then take your finger and gentally irritate it so it wants to move. Also can bring it half way out of water so it wants to move back twards the water
maxi Minis don't like much flow and will move to escape. However if you don't have that much time and can remove the rock. Pro Coral Cure really irritates them and they will often let go in 10 - 15 minutes. I then rinse them and put them where ever they need to be returned to.
hmm... i might try the powerhead work... i have a HUGE maxi mini I kinda want to get rid off... and it's on a rock in the base of my rockwork. needless to say, i'm not breaking it down. I could just definately use the space for more sticks :)
Try using a stainless steel butter knife...they don't like the feel of cold steel. Lightly press the knife against its foot and it should start to release its hold.
mini maxi are the hardest to get of stubborn little guys i had to break my old rock they were on and then i put those pieces in the tank where i wanted them and they moved on their own