How to stop meteor shower from growing?


Premium member
This stuff has been spreading like wildfire lately and it has finally started encrusting some of my zoas. Any ideas on how I can stop it from spreading/stop growing all together?
In a way that is a good problem to have. Don't kill it, frag it and sell it , trade it. Corals grow, nothing stoping them from doing that, specially if the condition is right.
Use an epoxy perimeter (water weld not as hard as aquarium specific stuff .) When it grows over epoxy easy frags. repeat
If you can't frag it because it is encrusted, you can kill the edges by spreading kalk paste on it where you want it to die. I do this occasionally to my spongeodes. It will grow back over its dead self eventually, but you can just do it again.
In a way that is a good problem to have. Don't kill it, frag it and sell it , trade it. Corals grow, nothing stoping them from doing that, specially if the condition is right.
Very true, will try to frag!

Use an epoxy perimeter (water weld not as hard as aquarium specific stuff .) When it grows over epoxy easy frags. repeat
This is an awesome idea! Thanks

If you can't frag it because it is encrusted, you can kill the edges by spreading kalk paste on it where you want it to die. I do this occasionally to my spongeodes. It will grow back over its dead self eventually, but you can just do it again.

Might try this for now. I have a lot of nice zoas on that rock and I just noticed it encrusted over one of my polyps.

Try to separate by cutting and keep on an island rock by itself

Unfortunately this patch started growing and I didnt even know I still had meteor shower in my tank. I had a frag for a while and gave it to someone. Fast forward a couple months and there is a quarter sized patch of it on this rock. I did keep my Mystic Sunset Monti isolated though!

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