How to thoroughly quarantine your Corals (RB)

I use Coral RX works great. Bayer is also a good dip I have yet to try is but I read all good results with it.
CoralRX has worked as a good dip for me; it seems to have a little something extra over other iodine based dips...but it could just be the eucalyptus smell :)

I liked the article, but the title is misleading...would have thought QT meant some kind of holding period in a temporary tank....maybe it should have been titled "How to prep new corals for immediate addition to your tank"? :sarcastic:

I poke at it, because I've yet to see a reasonably article about setting up QT for corals (most notably sensitive corals). All the QT articles are either about fish or "quick dipping" :banghead:

You will often hear folks say non-quantitative things like "your tank needs to be at least a year old before you attempt SPS" many have lost SPS by "rushing things" and/or who know what. So, I'm curious if anyone has come up with a "safe" strategy for QT'ing SPS. You know, "set up a 10gal, add sponge filter, blah, blah blah". Fresh salt mix? Reuse water from Display after a water change? :dontknow:

If there was a simple way to do this, we could greatly decrease the likelihood of introducing "bad critters" into a mature display tank.