hungry emerald crab


New member
i got some red planet that looks like it has a small amount of HA on it. i found my emerald crab pickin at it a min ago. it almost looked like he was going after the red planet and not the HA. has anyone had this issue. i did a search and i seen alot of answers going both ways on the net. it is on off my nicer pieces so please chime in. i have been feeding heavy because the fish like it and i dont need to target feed, so i would think he would have plenty to forage from. thanks
He was probably just picking the algae off the coral. Although emerald crabs can sometimes pick with corals, I've never experienced them to pick on sps corals.
Mine pick on my corals. Especially my acans. The ones I notice picking on corals were the bigger emeralds. The smaller ones would just eat the algea. So I got rid of the big ones. Hope this helps.
Just watch him and the colony - I've got a large emerald that did concern me at first, due to its size and since I saw him picking very closely near or on some coral, but I haven't noticed any damage to the coral, so I've just assumed its safe - for now. Monitor him though!