Hurricane Sale at!


Matthew is coming!

If not a direct hit, it will come near us. We are that dot on the map. As a result I would very much like to evacuate the critters in our tanks before the weather changes. We should be able to ship all week unless it speeds up. Right now it does not look like it will affect the West Palm area, (where our packages fly out of), until Friday at the earliest.

You can help us with our evacuation, by using the discount code "MATTHEW' worth 20% off everything in the store except rocks. It will be good until Wednesday night at 11:59pm. Thank you for your support over 9 hurricane seasons now! :)
here's to sending a little hope your way that it'll skirt past. Bump for a damm good sale too. 20% off live good is great!
For the members who need some CUC this is the place you should be ordering from. (NOT reefs2go / aquariumdepot; that company is crap.)