That is a nudi, what I told you that one time when you asked. They eat zoas. where you have one, there will be more. Check at night with a flash light or if you have leds, turn blues on and they should glow with the color of the zoas they are eating.
Zoa eating Nudibranch. You need to inspect all your Zoas very closely for eggs. Dip might only kill adults or hatched. Eggs will not die. A wrasse might help but not 100%. They are a PIA. Good luck and sorry you are encountering this.
They might be hiding in your rocks sometimes so yea, dip the corals and when you see them again, take em out and just pull them off or dip them. Dipping won't kill their eggs so you would probably need to do a few dips but follow the instructions they have from the link that Dre posted.
Thanks for this ima spend lot time tonight at work reading through this. Might also consider a wrasse sometime. Just worried about wrasses that are "with caution"
Also found a second one after I looked more.
Not all nudis are bad ... Found one in my tank ...was just coming out of a coral I just bought .. took it out anyway ... Better safe than sorry.. but have never seen anymore so its kind of a hit or miss thing ..
Screw nudibranchs!!! Those things SUCK I found one enjoying himself laid back having a lil zoa snack removed it and good thing my friend was with me cause he pointed out some eggs....removed them and havnt found any yet but still very nervous, only time will tell.
Here is a cool link on zoas im sure most of you guys looked at already but i got alot out of it