I just added 1,000 crabs/snails to my tank.


Active member
So the UPS driver rings the doorbell and unloads a couple boxes from a place in florida,and woot woot i open it up and find my crabs and snails.I tried counting but after 370 something i just stop,i see a few doa's but meh who cares,so i have a black sandbed at the moment and the sump is also covered in mostly snails.

Anybody need some snails?:crazy_pilot:

You have reef ants or a chocolate chip substrate. That is a Clean Up Corps. Just out of curiosity, how much does one pay for 1000 individual life forms?
That's cheap but the crabs look like black rice they will either be killing for bigger shells or die pretty quickly if its not a med or I white shell I usually don't waste the money imo still looks cool
Whatever you do stay away from the Sally lightfoots. I thought it was my little mantis shrimp killing my snails til I saw the Sally take down a huge margarita and nom nom on it for dinner...
The brighter scarlet legs are more shy than blue legs and less aggressive. The red legs, that are a dimmer red, I've never had. The scarlet ones are usually twice as much as blue legs

*note* I had some decent store credit pending and since they screwed me several times i ended up spending very little out-of-pocket cash.

Don't expect to get 1,000 crabs/snails for $300.