I need help

Bella Reefs

New member
Hello everyone
I need help i have a pair of clownfish and my female is not doing to.good or to me she is acting weird, so these two always in a corner of the tank since i got them and introduced them to the tank they are the only fish in the tank. i do weelky 50% water changes since its such a small tank so i can keep good water but since yesterday my female hasnt been eating and sticking to the bottom of the tank near the sand and i notices she open and closes her mouth constantly and she had a string like poop hanging from her belly and she had it for a bit and then she went away, the male is fine he eats and swims and swims so i dont know what is wrong with my female please help i have a video but dont know how to up load it here so if anyone can help i can tex it or email it dont want her to passaway on me
search internet for flukes/internal parasites see if that matches what you are seeing. Look at prazipro. share your findings lots of knowledgeable reefers here who can help you.
What Joe said + tell us any other info on tank size, other fish, inverts, water perameters, type of equipment.
You may even be able to use prazipro on the display tank. Google it or others here may tell you about there experiences.
What Joe said + tell us any other info on tank size, other fish, inverts, water perameters, type of equipment.
You may even be able to use prazipro on the display tank. Google it or others here may tell you about there experiences.

Well the tank size is a 20 gallon reef , i checked the water parameters and they are all fine only a little bit of nitrates and i i did 50% water change on friday like do every week and i got a pepermint shrimp and two snails and i.had 5 hermit crabs but not only have 3 beacuse i found two half eatin and i took them out along with the shells only new thing i added wat three corals, i have a 10 gallon fish only tank that are doing good the water parameters arnt as good as the 20 it has. O ammonia but it doea have some nitrates and nitrites should i switch ?? salinity in both tanks are 1.024
she had a string like poop hanging from her belly and she had it for a bit and then she went away

What color was the poop? Usually white stringy poop is a sign of internal worms.

If that's the case I would administer 2 doses of prazipro 5 to 7 days apart. WC in between.

Prazi is reef safe however I am not a fan of dosing meds in a display tank. Petco is running a dollar per gallon sale now. Grab a 10 gallon, hob filter, heater and a couple pieces of PVC elbows and your good to go.

Make sure you keep the qt tank at least 10 feet from your main display to prevent aerosol transmission.
What color was the poop? Usually white stringy poop is a sign of internal worms.

If that's the case I would administer 2 doses of prazipro 5 to 7 days apart. WC in between.

Prazi is reef safe however I am not a fan of dosing meds in a display tank. Petco is running a dollar per gallon sale now. Grab a 10 gallon, hob filter, heater and a couple pieces of PVC elbows and your good to go.

Make sure you keep the qt tank at least 10 feet from your main display to prevent aerosol transmission.

yes it was brownish tip and white was the rest , should I quarantine her pair as well ?
yes it was brownish tip and white was the rest , should I quarantine her pair as well ?

Yes I would quarantine both. No harm in proactively deworming the second one just in case. Prazi is one of the most gentle meds we administer.