I wish..


That I had endless amounts of money to buy all the pretty corals I want. Don't get me wrong.. I like the stuff I do have and am grateful to even have a tank at all.. But gosh, there is some really nice stuff that I WANT BAD.
You're telling me. There's this place here in SoCal that sells Magician's chalice for $600/eye...with a straight face...it's not that bada$$ but c'mon...
Gus has a $2000 chalice frag in his nano (keeping it as part of a group buy). I'd smack my mom AND your mom before I buy some crazy blown up sh!t like that.

THAT IS RIDICULOUS. I'd smack my own mother before I spent that much money on ONE EYE.
Gus has a $2000 chalice frag in his nano (keeping it as part of a group buy). I'd smack my mom AND your mom before I buy some crazy blown up sh!t like that.

I thought it was $2k for the pack. I'm with you on that momma smacking though.

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It was however one piece they got i think goes for 1500 a eye at the time or still does? as far as the money thing goes instead of buying the more common stuff you could put that aside to get the pieces you really want. its hard and i know that first hand have to be really specific on what ya buy thats all
It was however one piece they got i think goes for 1500 a eye at the time or still does? as far as the money thing goes instead of buying the more common stuff you could put that aside to get the pieces you really want. its hard and i know that first hand have to be really specific on what ya buy thats all

I think almost everything is beautiful. So as long as its different than something I already have.. I'm cool for now.

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