ID Help - No photo because the things are tiny


New member
I recently changed my water / cleaned the tank, and after the water change I noticed that there are these tiny white specks that are on the glass. They're pin-head small, white, and have like 5 or 6 (possibly more) little "arms" that end in smaller white dots that extend from the center. They look like a snowflake or something. They're insanely tiny, and on the glass, so I can't get a good photo of it. As far as I can tell, they don't move, or I haven't noticed them move yet.

Any idea what they are? Thanks, hope the description helps some... wish I could get a good photo.
Hmm, thanks for the tip, but I don't think that's what it is. They're much smaller than that, like 1mm or less in diameter. Let me get out the dslr and see what I can get with it instead of trying with a silly auto-focus iphone.
No, wait, I stand corrected, found a pic that looks like them with more google searching... Someone else in some random SW forum posted the attached pic - those things look identical what's on my tank walls. View attachment 11103