ID these mushrooms please


New member
Saw these today and now I want to know everything about them


And then get some
slow acclimation and see what the existing light source is, seen quite a few just go blehg after landing in their destination tank back when I was big into softies. Them'sum purty colors!!
Saw them in a local places display tank. No price and nobody knew what they were. Owner wasnt there to explain them. Picture I found online.
Thanks all for no help, lol, they aren't at a lfs. They were at a house a buddy of mine dragged me too. But the owner did get back to me on what they were. He said they are bullseye rhodactus mushrooms.

And if anyone is interested, he's got a rock with about 60 on it he he said he is willing to frag. I'll let you guys know a price if he follows through.