I'm keeping my majanos!


New member

My 3 majanos are very big and nice. They even have very pronounced bubble-tips sometimes. They came to me on a few chips of coral skeleton, from a guy who also didn't know what they were. I have them in places where I can see them at all times, and where I can remove them easily if need be. I was going to kill them, but I put it off for weeks and finally decided that they are just too cool to kill. Anyone want one when they split?....

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Kill em unless u dint care that u will not be able to controll there spread and they take over your tank. My buddy went from 1 to hundreds in very short time ended up acid dipping all rock to get rid of em. They will just ruin your tank u work so hard for .
Kill em unless u dint care that u will not be able to controll there spread and they take over your tank. My buddy went from 1 to hundreds in very short time ended up acid dipping all rock to get rid of em. They will just ruin your tank u work so hard for .


I typed a whole long message but didnt want to get into arguments again so I'm refraining from posting that message.

IMO .. Fancy names doesn't change what they are and generally ppl paying to get them are newbies who doesn't know what they are.
Good luck thats all im sayng and let us know how u tank looks in six months. Ive seen what these thinks can do first hand. U do what u want . If was me they be dead already
They're going back to the tank from which they came. I am glad I didn't pay for them.

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They are anemones and therefore are fully capable of moving wherever they want to. Anyone who has them in their tank should be very, very careful; they can divide quickly and are extremely hard to kill. The really shame is that they are actually a very pretty coral.
Exactly. That's why I won't kill them. I will send them back to the guy they came from though.

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If anyone wants them free, let me know. Two are as pictured and one is like a florescent/translucent green..

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