Im planning, but cant decide

Ive seen snowflakes in reefs big ones even with shrimp and small fish lid is must have and i think corals will be fine unless the get knocked down by this guy also beware hands in tank you can be tagged
yeah, always scared I might get bit by one. especially when you have your hand in the tank all the time with a reef tank.
I had a snowflake once and they are pretty cool...messy eaters and they are BLIND! So you have to be really careful when your hands are in the tank. They could easily mistake your finger for food. They do hide a lot as well so while they are cool when they are out, you don't see them too often except when feeding. That was my experience at least.
morays wont bother your corals at all, but they spend half the day digging, so get your rockwork nice and secure. also, dont underestimate the size of fish a moray can take down. my snowflake took down a lobster with claws as wide as his body and if they get hungry enough they will chase down equally big fish. coolest pet i have ever owned though. if you want a nice soothing decoration, go with clowns and a full reef with inverts. if you want a showpiece, go with a moray.