In and out of rock work


Well-known member
I somehow find it fascinating when fish swim around the rock work exploring all the tank

But somehow I find my clowns swimming in the open all the time

Is there any fish that would do this and is good for a 30 gallon ?

Psshhh : I know I have been askin lot of rhetorical questions lately but that's only from the concern that I'm limited on my choices as I have only like 30 gal and I figured out that it's extremely hard to catch a fish I reef aquariums :) so please bear with me .....

wrasse. There are several different ones that will work for a 30g.
I wouldn't recommend a mandarin based on the tank size.
You just described a Cherub Angel. My favorite fish. Check my build thread for some pics. I love hims.
Sounds like my spotted sweetlips, which I strongly suggest goes on your don't even consider this fish list. Even my 180 will not be large enough for it in a year or two.
My Cherub is a sweetheart. And My Potters Angel. Neither messes with coral ever.

Ha! You did get one!!! Mine is a perfect angel. Picks at pods and macro algae, but never a polyp. I think if they stay well fed they leave stingy things alone.
cherub angels are cute and sweet but arent reef safe :(

This is an incorrect statement!!! Cherubs are the most peaceful pygmy angels you can buy,i have owned several over the last 10years and never ever had issues. Please be careful by giving wrong advise,a new reefer could miss out on a great fish due to incorrect advise.
I think it's safe to say all dwarf angels have the chance of not being reef safe. It's just not in their true nature to leave polyps alone. I've never had a flame go bad, but there are countless who have, and the same scenario on probably every species. Some are definitely better than others, but they all are instinctively inclined towards it.
MCF can get them. Now that Walt has one there is probably a waiting list though:)

Blake really pulled through and got me a perfect one. He's probably my favorite little bugger. His colors are vivid and he's always darting through the rocks. He eats everything and holds his own with all of the big dogs. He's smaller than any of my other fishes including my red-spotted cardinal and he's a model tankmate. I love me some him!!!!
i like the coral beauty angel( menioned on vivid as reefsafe : good) and elbls angel more ..
think my expirience with one of these would be same as with the cherub ??
From what I heard, Coral Beauties are not to be trusted around coral and the most prone to nip. Correct me if I am wrong, folks.

I love Elibis though. Their colors are gorgeous.
I refer to my previous statement, lol. I know a ton of people who keep them safely, and then just as many who have had to get rid of them.
Agreed, CB are a 50/50 shot in the dark. They really are beautiful fish if you get one without an appetite for coral.
its never my intention to give advice as of this moment as i am a starter myself

sorry if my statement is misleading :(

This is an incorrect statement!!! Cherubs are the most peaceful pygmy angels you can buy,i have owned several over the last 10years and never ever had issues. Please be careful by giving wrong advise,a new reefer could miss out on a great fish due to incorrect advise.
From what I heard, Coral Beauties are not to be trusted around coral and the most prone to nip. Correct me if I am wrong, folks.

I love Elibis though. Their colors are gorgeous.

is it safe to understand this statement as "corals are not soo safe with reef but ells should be fine ?? :)
is it safe to understand this statement as "corals are not soo safe with reef but ells should be fine ?? :)

I only know one person with an Elibi and he put it in his FO tank after it was nipping on his corals. I don't ever hear about folks having them though. They are one of my favorites.