indo-pacific black by caribsea


New member
Opinions on caribsea indo-pacific black agra-alive. I like the way it looks and i want an indo-pacific themed reef but it seems more coarse than what I'm used to (Fiji pink). Any one with any experience with this would be a great help before I make my purchase.
It's hard to keep it clean,I don't think it's all taht corase,the finer stuff gets filthy alot quicker.
Wow I never knew this before I wasn't doubting you I just can't believe they would produce something like this knowing full the possible negative effects.
I have it in my nano, really hard to keep clean, need a lot of sand sifters and still need to manually clean it. It is magnetic I cant get my cleaner close to it without grabbing some. I was unaware of this at first but luckily none of my pumps are in areas where it can get into them. As long as you keep it away from your pumps I dont see how it could possibly get into them accidently.
I really do like the way it looks but I'd hate to go against people's advice and then look like a fool when I have a catastrophe down the road. Ah decisions..........
No catastrophes will occur,it's just a simple fix of not using a magnet cleaner near sand or pumps near bottom.When i had sand in my Red Sea34 i had no clue it was magnetic and never had an issue.