Interesting weekend with fish tank


New member
Finally talked the wife into letting me get a new clown for the tank. I was originally looking for perc or snowflakes pairs. Snowflakes are to pricey for me right now and my short hobby experience makes me have some reservations. After some reading, it seemed neither of those types would 'naturally' host my RBTA either. I ended up finding a single gold stripped maroon. Great colors on him for sure. They are also known to host RBTA's from what I've read.

My biggest complaint about my tank has been that all my fish hide really well. It might as well have been a reef only tank. Shark faced goby, blue damsel and black sailfin blenny all almost never come out. Anyway, interesting things have happened since the clown was introduced to my tank. Now my blenny is out and active a lot! They don't chase each other or fight, but the blenny is always out now. Either swimming around or chilling on the rocks.

I'm really happy this happened. Probably more so then the thought the clown might host the RBTA someday. Should I be concerned though about this new behavior or just see where it goes?

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Percs and Occ will host bubble tips, they do all the time, no need to worry there. Sometimes with all clowns in takes them a little bit to "find" it. Maroons get BIG and are not suitable for a nano sized tank. you'll have to rehome him soon as he starts to grow.
Max size is 6", we'll see though. If he starts to get to big, it'll be "hunny we really need a new 90 gallon tank, don't you think this is cruel?" lol.
It's the only way it'll happen. I figure I got a year before I need to worry. It'll take me 3 months to setup/cycle a 90g gallon so anyone looking to sell a stand and 90g around say march 2013, let me know lol!
I just got me a new tank I've been oggling, took a few months of convincing... hehe. will be the 3rd system in the house now.
If the maroon clown is being hosted by a nem or paired and nesting then the 28g nano cube will be fine. They don't swim far when nesting but once they have their territory staked watch out lol.
Thanks! I'm gonna play it by ear. If he out grows the tank I'll either up grade or let him go. I've done this with other animals in my like, mainly reptiles. Just upgraded their enclosure. I'm a responsible pet owner so I'm not concerned.

I'm just ecstatic about getting my blenny out of his funk right now. :)
too bad you didnt go for the snowflake, i have a black onyx and snowflake hosting my gtba. both tank raised. took them about a month to figure it out, but since then, snowflake goes about 4 inches away, onyx 6 to 10, unless i'm feeding then its game on. But they are the laziest clowns, when they are in the nem, they dont move, must feel like a comfort pedic to them!
I have seen monster maroons that topped 6"(some of the breeders at inland aquatics). the other thing with them is they can be mean as all hell, mine would bite my finger anytime i had my hand in the water.
Very nice I had a pair of maroons at a point in which I had a anemone on the smaller side and they kinda smothered it to almost death but eventually got rid of them cause of that