Introducing Earl Ray...


After 2 years of searching and prepping, the time finally arrived and I was able to purchase one of my dream fish... With lots of reading, asking questions, researching, and making sure my system had the proper filtration and other equipment, I pulled the trigger and brought home a fish with an awesome "personality".

I also have to include, Amber at Aquatic Visions in Naperville has turned that store around 100%. The fish are healthy, the tanks are clean, and she stayed with Earl Ray to make sure he stayed healthy. Earl Ray eats twice a day. His diet consists of krill, silversides, and brine shrimp. I also have to include that Earl Ray is a pig. He 'cleans his plate' each time!.. So, without further adue, introducing Earl Ray!

Amazing. Can't wait to see long term success given all your work. Congrats on doing the best you can to home Earl!
Kudos to Earl Ray, does he not bother the clowns and other fish ? I had 2 Blue Spot and they inhaled my clowns, cardinal,gobys, even with 600 lbs of live rock for the lil guys to hide in . wish i still had them for a day to munch down a few Damsels that are too smart for the fish trap.

Happy Holidays Bryan
So far, Earl Ray hasn't come close to reef scape. He stays at the bottom foraging for food. I make sure to drop/place his silver sides bear the front of the tank while the clowns and other fish are constantly swimming in the back.

Not to mention, Earl Ray is about 8 to 9 inches in width. My clowns and other fish are relatively large. I would like to think Earl Ray's mouth isn't as big as them. So with size and feeding habits, all I can do is hope everyone gets along.
My daughter & I were at Aquatic Visions yesterday afternoon and saw your ray there in person. It's a beautiful fish and I'm guessing you got it later in the evening? Btw that was the first time we were ever at that store and to me it seemed very clean and they had a great selection of larger fish available.