

New member
Hi Yall, My name is Ted and I am trying to get back into saltwater tanks. I grew up with fresh water tanks and after 10 years I graduated to 30 long fowlr tank. I had predator tank basically (Lions, Groupers, an eels). After the fish out grew the tank i upgraded to a 75 long Fowlr. I got rid of it when i started a new career. Now that my career is stable again i would like to get back into it. plus wife isn't fighting me on it yet. I would like to start back in with a biocube 29 reef set up. After i buy a new house I will be upgrading to a 180. I wanted to start off with a reef tank because i haven't done those yet. So if anyone knows of any biocubes used or new for a good price hit me up.

PS. I am in Chicago (rogers park) and out in East Dundee a lot

Welcome Ted! There are a buncha GREAT "reefers" in Chicago and not far from you! You will learn tons from these guys as I have. Make friends, socialize, check in and post lots of pics of your progress once you get things going and make sure you check out other members tank threads. There are a couple really nice bio cube setups around here.. :)

Make sure you keep an eye on Craigslist for the cube, you will find them in there from time to time for a good deal. That's where I purchased mine. So good luck and I look forward to your journey in Saltwater!.. :)
Hey, Ted - welcome to the forum. For that future 180 project, what kind of vision do you have for it?

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Yes Ted I will be the other Ted. I have been looking on craigslist and been missing deals by an hour or two. As my future 180 it will be a reef tank. I will use the cube for a quarantine tank after the 180 build which should start happen in the next two years.
Welcome ted. I dont know of any 29 biocubes but a good cheap way is to find a 29 gallon tank on craigslist and diy an overflow and have a really nice set up. Check out uarujoey on youtube for all the diy stuff

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