Is it worth it?


Yes. I know. Patience... I'm seeing little 10 gal. TANK. I got good old Live Rock. Do you guys think that buying Live Sand like Pet co has is worth it or it has more dead staff and just go with dry which I still have? Yes. I'm trying to speed it up or even avoid the cycle. And I did it once before when I was downgrading from 125 to 40. One day I put old Live Rock with new water and pour Dr. Tim's Bacteria. Two days later I moved 15 SPS Frags there. Didn't lose one. All still happy. Got lucky? Maybe...One difreence is that that 40 gal was bare bottom. So again just like to know your opinion about Live Sand ( like from Petco) is it worth it? Thanks.
I used live sand in my first tank. Worked great but if I had to do it again if use dry so I could rinse it out and not deal with all the cloudiness
I've used live sand and there was some cloudiness but it wasn't too bad. AP has live sand if you didn't want to go to Petco. It does speed up the cycle when combined with good live rock.
what do you have now??
Do you have another tank set up or is this a fresh start?
Is the rock needing to cycle?
I used dry this time but thats cause i needed 120# of it and wanted to rebuild for as little as possible if its a small tank I prefer live sand has less of a cycle from my experience . That reminds me i gotta get that ild sand out of my garage lol
I have my 40gal now after downgrade. I have established old Live Rock. But 40 gal. is bare bottom and in that Nano I'm setting I'd like to put sand. But I'm not sure if should I put Live or Dry sand...
use dry sand and some live rock from old aquarium, 40 gallon. You could even do a water change on the 40 and put old water in the new 10.
I've used Caribsea Ocean Direct and Tropic Eden Aragosnow. I much preferred the Caribsea stuff. It's looks far more natural and cloudiness settles very quickly.