Is my LTA dying???!!!


I've had this Long Tentacle Anemone for about 4 weeks ago. Has been doing fine. Water parameters are normal (Hardness = 420, Alk = 8dkh, Nitrites < .25, PO4 <.25, Sal = 1.025, temp 78)

On Sunday I fed it a small shrimp from my grocery (washed it and cut it into smaller pieces)

It moved itself 1 day after I originally placed it and has pretty much stayed there until this morning. I found it detached from the sand and was just laying on the top of the sand.

I gently moved it back between the 2 rocks it had been between and placed it on the sand bed.

Came home tonight and found it all tucked in - see pictures. Is it dying? I've heard that a dead anemone in a tank can cause havoc? OR is it just deflated cause its getting ready to expel what it ate on Sunday - I've read they do this????

All other livestock doing fine - Derma clam, zoas, BTA, Frog spawn, fish

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How long has the tank been running? How big of a piece of shrimp did you feed it ? Normally if they are happy they don't detach and lay in the sand did you change any flow ?
No. Lights off they do that. It will be good. If the foots good. Its good.

No worries it might spit out part of what it ate.
How long has the tank been running? How big of a piece of shrimp did you feed it ? Normally if they are happy they don't detach and lay in the sand did you change any flow ?

Tank has been up and going for about 4 months. Piece of shrimp about the size of my pinkie finger, but sliced down the middle - long way. No flow change.

- - - Updated - - -

No. Lights off they do that. It will be good. If the foots good. Its good.

No worries it might spit out part of what it ate.

It's never totally closed up like this at night before. How do I tell if foot is good - its red and all seems to be intact.
Ok a piece of shrimp the size of a pinkie is a lot of shrimp and I'm just trying to help out not being a dick or mean I know text can read wrong sometimes. A nem dosent really need that much about the size of a small grape 1 to 2 times a week should do. A lot of people over feed nems they will eat it and puke it back up or just become unhappy in general. I would just watch it and wait I'm sure it will be fine. Just for a idea a lot of people think they can handle a lot more food due to there size but there stomachs are really small.
Ok a piece of shrimp the size of a pinkie is a lot of shrimp and I'm just trying to help out not being a dick or mean I know text can read wrong sometimes. A nem dosent really need that much about the size of a small grape 1 to 2 times a week should do. A lot of people over feed nems they will eat it and puke it back up or just become unhappy in general. I would just watch it and wait I'm sure it will be fine. Just for a idea a lot of people think they can handle a lot more food due to there size but there stomachs are really small.

No offense taken. I really appreciate the info and the image helps tremendously. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope its just reacting to too much food. What I feed was probably about equal to 1 1/2 grape size pieces.
Was the shrimp slimy? It could have been bacteria. Generally speaking you can find fresher seafood at asian grocery stores like Hmart.