Is my wrasse sick?


New member
I have a yellow banded opossum wrasse in my reef. I QT'd it with Cooper power at 1.75ppm and at a lower salinity for a month when he first arrived from live aquaria. I did not use prazipro on him because I:
A) didn't know what I was doing
B) didn't see any symptoms of parasites.

Now the wrasse has been in the reef for ~6 months and today I saw him scratch against a rock twice in quick succession. It's possible that he scratches occasionally but I've never witnessed it until today. Do fish sometimes scratch without parasites or disease to blame? I read posts about itchy fish, but all the cases I've seen seem to be much more severe than what I witnessed.

The only other health thing I've noticed with this fish is that one time he passed a transparent mass in his stool. I was initially concerned but it really just looked like partially digested mysis bits. Now I'm worried it's connected to the itching.

Any one have insight into this kind of thing?
I have a yellow banded opossum wrasse in my reef. I QT'd it with Cooper power at 1.75ppm and at a lower salinity for a month when he first arrived from live aquaria. I did not use prazipro on him because I:
A) didn't know what I was doing
B) didn't see any symptoms of parasites.

Now the wrasse has been in the reef for ~6 months and today I saw him scratch against a rock twice in quick succession. It's possible that he scratches occasionally but I've never witnessed it until today. Do fish sometimes scratch without parasites or disease to blame? I read posts about itchy fish, but all the cases I've seen seem to be much more severe than what I witnessed.

The only other health thing I've noticed with this fish is that one time he passed a transparent mass in his stool. I was initially concerned but it really just looked like partially digested mysis bits. Now I'm worried it's connected to the itching.

Any one have insight into this kind of thing?

Yep sounds like ICH , soak some food in garlic and feed him he may beat it
Likely ich or some parasite, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much if there are no other signs. My pink face wrasse flashes pretty often, but never shows signs of illness otherwise. However, I did have most of my fish get ich about six moths ago or so. Between my big UV sterilizer, good feeding, and good water quality, they all got better and I haven’t seen signs since....but there is still likely ich in my system. Just kept at bay.
Copper power would of killed the ich unless it was in your tank alredy you should be good there. Wrasses are prone to flukes and internals which prazi would of tool care of. Next time you qt a wrasse I wouldn’t worey about ich and copper they can get ich but usually its flukes and internals you gotta worry about. White poop usually signs of internals and scratching without spots can be flukes
prazipro is reef safe i would use it asap! skimmer might overflow... remember to fallow instructions! you really need 2 rounds.
I have decided that I will be removing the wrasse, placing it back in QT and treating with copper and prazi-pro. I believe that he ich problem came from two clown fish that I had in the tank first. They were not preemptively treated so it's likely that they carried ich with them.

I will also withhold my fish that are currently in QT to allow the DT system to fallow for a month and a half. In addition to the fallow i'll treat the reef with prazi pro twice just in case this is a fluke issue.

If anyone has suggestions on additional steps I could take then I'd appreciate the advice.

Thank you again for all the input.
Your tank is currently empty no fish because if there is a fish then you’re not really going fallow

What is actually wrong with the wrasse
Is it flashing
does it have spots on it
what kind of spots if it does
My wrasse is no longer showing any signs of illness. I saw him rub against a rock twice in a row and he was acting strange. He was kind of reclusive for a couple of days. I dosed the DT with Prazipro as per the instructions and he's back to normal.
My wrasse is no longer showing any signs of illness. I saw him rub against a rock twice in a row and he was acting strange. He was kind of reclusive for a couple of days. I dosed the DT with Prazipro as per the instructions and he's back to normal.

Rubbing against a rock is not a illness that prazi can get rid of