Is this a safe crab?


New member
Doesn't come out often so it is pretty hard for me to get a better picture. 2 big claws and 3-4 legs on each side. Like a huge spider I guess. What is it and is it bad? Thanks
Never saw the eyes. The two claws are black and the 3-4 legs per side are black and look fuzzy. Trying to get a better picture.
I found this pretty helpful..

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To me it looks like a stone crab from what I can make out with your pictures....I'd remove him to the sump at least till your certain it's safe.
Use chopsticks to take him out.

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I'm not sure how he got in the tank. I would guess from a piece of LR. I tried a glass jar and put some Krill in the bottom. Concept was if he went for the food he couldn't climb up the glass to escape. One problem.. My tangs keep eating it!! No way I can catch him with chop sticks. The little prick hides fast and I really don't feel like dismantling the tank. Hasn't screwed with coral or fish but I am missing 2x peppermint shrimp. Hmmmm. My larger Red cleaner shrimp is OK. Wonder if it is black emerald???
Other than a very few, aren't most crabs opportunists? I quit keeping even blue and red hermits. I pay up to $3 for snails and $0.50 for the hermits and they'd end up killing my snails. Since I quit hermits, it seems like I have to replenish snails less often.

I'd get rid of it.