Is this a Scoly?


Well-known member
So I was on Florida over the weekend, and I got this coral from a store before it was even unbagged from Australia, thinking it was a cool looking chalice. Well, today, as soon as I got it out of the bag, I knew that there wasn't a chance that it was a chalice. That being said, who knows what it is? A scoly? It's way too large for my tank, and I'll probably need to let it go, but I at least want to know what it is!

- Ben

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According to our sources, Hobbits, the real creature that inspired the Lord of the Rings series, have gone extinct after the last one insulted a piece of coral.

I may need a better picture, then. I do know that it's some sort of LPS, I just don't know which! :D
The store hadn't even unbagged it when I saw and liked the color. All that tey knew is that is was an Aussie. That being said, Menard hit the nail on the head! Whether I keep it or let it go depends on how many of my new SPS I can get off of my sandbed. We'll see. :)