Is this Bryopsis or hair algae?


So I started my tank up on 6/15/14 and it is completely cycled, I have zero traces of ammonia nitrite and nitrite plus no phosphate since I started the tank up with biopellets.

As soon as the cycle was finish this stuff started growing on my rock and has been growing everywhere. I decided to run lights off for three days so far and it seems to be clearing up a little on the sand but still looks pretty thick near the surface.

I'm guessing it probably is Bryopsis since I'm reading it can attack an aquarium even with low to no nutrients, and since there's no corals or fish in the tank yet should I go ahead and raise the Magnesium levels until this stuff dissolves? I'm running a fairly wet skim right now with a filter sock.

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Looks like hair algae. Its normal for a newer tank. Your phos/nitrates measuring low because algae is absorbing them. Just get a nice clean up crew of snails. Tangs and rabbit fish will eat that up too if your tank is big enough

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Hm I'll post a picture from my computer it seems that the pictures aren't clear enough

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Looks like you might have both. The thin stranded hair algae and then the feathering of the bryopsis with more pronounced stalks at the far side of the rock? I can't really tell from the picture 100%.

I've noticed that when pulling bryopsis out it feels like it really tears/pops when I pull it off the rock. Hair algae feels silky and comes off smoothly.
Looks like you might have both. The thin stranded hair algae and then the feathering of the bryopsis with more pronounced stalks at the far side of the rock? I can't really tell from the picture 100%.

I've noticed that when pulling bryopsis out it feels like it really tears/pops when I pull it off the rock. Hair algae feels silky and comes off smoothly.

I have to agree with you on this one now that I really look at my tank. I have bits of smooth hair algae but then I have bits of Bryopsis growing off the hair algae.

I went ahead and pulled a few pieces and the Bryopsis did make a tear/pop feeling where the hair algae smoothly came off.

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Yeah thanks guys for all your input, guess the hair algae I'm not worried about but the Bryopsis I'm gonna have to deal with before I put any snails into the tank since I've read that snails tend to take the hardest hits during mag spikes

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