It Has Begun - Finding Dory Trailer Released


The first official trailer for Finding Dory has just been released. Time to start getting ready to help new people get into the hobby correctly.
I heard at the premier they are gonna give out 10 gallon tanks with a blue tang in each...=P

Every begginer saltwater aquarists dream come true.
5" hippos in 10g nanos .

Thanks for the news btw, my toddler was so excited to watch the trailer. Cant wait.
People already ask me why I don't have a Dory and tell me they love my Nemos. It's only going to get worse...
Instead of a marine park, Pixar President Jim Morris confirmed late last year that the film will now be based at the animal-friendly Marine Biology Institute of California. "Dory learns that there she was born and raised and was released in the ocean still young,” he added.

I didn't know we can breed hippo tangs...
I dont care what u people think lol i love finding nemo finally a part two now to borrow some kids and go see it
I dont care what u people think lol i love finding nemo finally a part two now to borrow some kids and go see it

I love the movie, and even I can admit it helped push me toward doing saltwater. But I at least did research on the fish and didn't just buy them because they were nemos.
I love finding nemo! Gill is my favorite