Jaw fish in a nuvo 8 gallon .. Go or no


Well-known member
Ok so right now I only have a clown in my nuvo 8 gallon tank

Is it ok to add a jaw fish in there ?? I know I have to clean sand completely before putting in the jaw fish but is it a viable option

Go or no ??
I'd say no. Only beacuse you are giveing the fish the bare minimum in area to live and since this fish is easily scared it will be stressed and likely to become sick.
I would have to say no too Tin. I wanted one really bad until I read that they do best with a super deep sand bed, and not the fine grain stuff either. I've read anywhere from 6-8" is what they require.
ok. Decided againts getting one ..

after comming home with frags today :( i cant see any sand anymore ..all the sand bed is filled with frags so a jawfish is no go

thanks for the replies fellas
My pearly jaw does just fine with a 2 inch sandbed. He also never leaves his little home he's made other than to eat. Before upgrading to a 27, I had him in a 14 and he was fine. Imo these fish don't need much room at all, you may get by with an 8.
Is this the same tank where you have a pair of clowns and a royal gramma? If so, no way. You should really keep only one small fish in a 8 gallon tank.
Is this the same tank where you have a pair of clowns and a royal gramma? If so, no way. You should really keep only one small fish in a 8 gallon tank.

I lost a clown and the gramma a couple days so I thought it as a replacement but no not gonna get any fish anytime soon