Jon's DIY Skimmer


New member
Hello All,

Here are the directions for my DIY skimmer, If you wanted to spend a bit more money you could get Clear PVC for all the pieces. I only find it necessary to have a clear collection cup.

The skimmer can be thought of as two pieces.

The top piece can be called the collection cup...

Collection Cup:

A (QTY 1) Clear Extruded Acrylic Round Tube 4 3/4" ID x 5" OD diameter clear acrylic tube (got off ebay) aprox 6" long.
B (QTY 1) 4" Female threaded Coupling
C (QTY 1) 4" to 2" reducer
D (QTY 1) 2" clear PVC (purcashed on ebay)
E (Qty 1) Plastic Cap (I used an old DVD-R tray)

View attachment 17376

Step 1:
Using PVC glue, affix the 4" to 2" reducer inside the 4" female threaded coupling.

Step 2:
Using Weldon 5 or Crazy Glue, affix the Acrylic tube to the top (non threaded portion) of the coupling. (crazy glue will cause your collection cup to haze)

Step 3: after the glue dries line the inside with a bead of aquarium epoxy.

Step 4:
Cut the 2" clear pvc length to be shorter than the acrylic tube height by about an inch to an inch and a half.

The second piece we can call the stand:

F (QTY 1) 4" PVC male thread coupling
G (QTY 1) 4" diamater PVC [length 24"]
H (Qty 1) 4" PVC flange (for the base... get the kind that has the solid knock out bottom, used for toilets)
I (QTY 1) 1" uniseal - (drill with a 1.75 hole saw) i got these from aquaticeco
J (QTY 1) 1/2" uniseal - (drill with a 1.25 hole saw) i got these from aquaticeco
K (~3') 1" PVC
L (~3') 1/2" PVC
M (QTY 2)1/2 PVC 90 degree elbow
N (QTY 3)1" PVC 90 degree elbow
O (QTY 1) 1/2" PVC cap
P (QTY 1) 1" PVC Ball Valve
Q (QTY 1) Venturi Pump

View attachment 17377

Step 1:
Glue the male threaded coupling to the 2' length of 4" PVC

Step 2:
Glue the 4" flange to the other end of the 2' length of 4" PVC

Step 3:
Using a hole saw drill a 1.75" hole in the pvc at a height that will clear your refugium walls (this will be the output)

Step 4:
About 2" below the step 3 hole, drill a 1.25" hole in the PVC

Step 5:
insert the uniseal grommets in the holes

Step 6:
use a step bit to drill a hole in the 1/2" PVC cap that your RIO pump output will fit into.

Step 7: cut the 1/2" pvc to the correct length and feed it to an elbow and into the stand.

Step 8: cut the 1" pvc to the correct length and feed it to a ball valve and into the stand.

Step 9: inside the stand attach a 1" 90 degree elbow and a length of 1" PVC. You want this length of 1" pvc on the inside of the stand to run almost all the way to the bottom of the stand to help eliminate the amount of bubbles you'll be returning to the refugium.

Step 10: hook up a RIO 800 venturi pump to the 1/2" pvc.

Step 11: use the ball valve to control the output of the skimmer, give it about 2 days to break in.

This skimmer has worked better than any commercial skimmer I've purchased, the skim-mate depends on your flow restriction with the ball valve, and the venturi pump you use. The minimum pump you should use would be a RIO-800 venturi, and move up from there if you need to, i use a RIO-800 because that's what I have on hand.

Good Luck

View attachment 17378
Steveo I hope it works out for you...

I figured a few pictures would help anyone who wanted to try it. I think if I were to purchase a pump for this system I'd look at the Sedra 3500 or Sedra 5000, the only reason I used the RIO-800 is because that's what I had laying around, it works well though.

The height of the stand is quite variable, you want to make sure you have enough clearance to be able to unscrew the collection cup while it's in the sump. Also I had to use a file to round out the 1.75" hole for the uniseal to get the PVC to fit... it was a little too snug due to the curvature of the 4" PVC stand.

The Uniseals are completely leak free and after running them in this setup I'd trust them in an out of sump application.