July POTM- Red, White, and Blue


Let's show off the patriotism in our hearts and our tanks with a salute to Old Glory and her Red, White and Blue.

Post pics on this thread through 9PM on 6/28/2013. Voting will go up after that and the winner's picture will be displayed for the Month of July on the CR homepage and Facebook Page. If we get more than 20 entries I will personally donate a $25 credit to the CR sponsor of your choice. Let's see those colors! Do it for America!

General Rules Here

I gotta think about ths one does it have to have akk the colors in pic if so thats gonna be tough. Unless u have stars leopard wrasse then it has all colors but i dont :(
I gotta think about ths one does it have to have akk the colors in pic if so thats gonna be tough. Unless u have stars leopard wrasse then it has all colors but i dont :(

That was the first fish that came to mind when I read this. I'll try and get a pic of mine a bit later when the lights come on.
the only rule on intrepretation of theme is that you are going for votes. If you submit a pic of a domino damsel and it wins, it wins. :)
Now that the ugly fish trap is coming out of my tank today, I'll get a pic up tonight.
Alright, best I could do since she won't sit still for more than .00000032 seconds lol!

And please only look at the wrasse, there is nothing else to see in the photo :spy:

uh, it's a beautiful pic, but there are like 22 rules being broken here and I think we only have 8. Though as the official Eye Candy coordinator I can honestly say it's the ugliest pic that has ever been submitted (minus the awesome contender of a wrasse that was so obviously plagiarized of course). Now, as your punishment Jay, you have to submit a picture taken by you of YOUR actual tank to this contest. If you do not we shall officially change your avatar to a picture of Bilbo Baggins or Darla (ETR's Choice since I don't know how to do that). Carry on. :big_boss:
uh, it's a beautiful pic, but there are like 22 rules being broken here and I think we only have 8. Though as the official Eye Candy coordinator I can honestly say it's the ugliest pic that has ever been submitted (minus the awesome contender of a wrasse that was so obviously plagiarized of course). Now, as your punishment Jay, you have to submit a picture taken by you of YOUR actual tank to this contest. If you do not we shall officially change your avatar to a picture of Bilbo Baggins or Darla (ETR's Choice since I don't know how to do that). Carry on. :big_boss:

Jay's always trying to steal ma prized fish!
uh, it's a beautiful pic, but there are like 22 rules being broken here and I think we only have 8. Though as the official Eye Candy coordinator I can honestly say it's the ugliest pic that has ever been submitted (minus the awesome contender of a wrasse that was so obviously plagiarized of course). Now, as your punishment Jay, you have to submit a picture taken by you of YOUR actual tank to this contest. If you do not we shall officially change your avatar to a picture of Bilbo Baggins or Darla (ETR's Choice since I don't know how to do that). Carry on. :big_boss:

You've forced my hand...I'm still at work, so hopefully the wifey can get me the pics I took last night asap!