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I just started dosing kalk with my ATo. The ph has risen each day and it is approaching 8.5 ph I have my controller set to shut the ATo off when the levels reach 8.5. Should it be getting this high? I mixed a 5 gallon bucket with two teaspoons each gallon according to the instructions. How do I properly mix kalk? All I did was dump it in and swirled it quickly with my hand. I thought I read you shouldn't mix it with a power head somewhere.
how many gallons is your system? i typically only use a tsp per 5 gallons, you also want to make sure your top off pump isint sucking the sludge on the bottom.
yeah, but you really need to tune it based on your evaporation such that your ph never raises more than 0.3 during topoff, start out with a smaller amount and work your way up, once you are at a ph rise of 0.3 you are at the limit of how much kalk you can dose in practicality and need to goto two part or a calcium reactor to make up the difference if your tank has more demand for cal/alk. Someone can feel free to jump in and correct me, but those are the guidelines i have always used.
Guess it was my own fault. I put 8 tablespoons instead of 8 teaspoons in so I'm sure that's the issue. I made new water and placed the pump raised from the bottom