Kessil A160WE for Breeder Frag Tank?


New member
Hi all, I finished plumbing my frag tank yesterday! :)

I am now searching for a light to use for the frag tank obviously...

I was interested in the Kessil A160WE, has anyone heard anything?

I will be utilizing 2/3 spread of the breeder... Call it 24"

I wanted to keep it cheap. I wanted to be LED as my display upstairs is a Radion G3 Pro....

Off topic, but I live in sandwich and work across the street from the plano / yorkville YMCA. Local reefers gotta stick together.
Off topic, but I live in sandwich and work across the street from the plano / yorkville YMCA. Local reefers gotta stick together.

Very cool! I'm in Yorkville by the Water Park! :)

We'll have to get together one evening! I'm home by 5:00 daily. Off Weekends... I'll be fragging some stuff next week!