koriala 1050 ...too much flow?


Well-known member
just bought a koriala 1050 from a fellow reefer and well installed it in my biocube , its super quite, and comes with magnetic holders so im impressed ...

but the problem is its too much flow, is it ok to have too much flow in a reef tank ?? i am worried about the ricordeas and the wellso .. i know everything else can handle abit of a flow ...

so what should i do? i saw the koriala ones and always thought my maxijet is around1300 gph and its a nice flow and this is only 1050 gph so should be nice and obviously im wrong its too much flow .. now going back maxijet says 300gph as a power head :(

this is in a biocube 29 along with mazijet 1200 in the back
I think it depends on what u have in the tank. Sps dominated? Then just find some low flow spots for the lps and softies.
The Maxijet 1200 with the powerhead impeller and guard is 1300gph. Maxijet 1200 with the pump impeller and volute is 300gph.
put them close to the rock work or find a low flow spot. I ran two biocubes for years with two k1s in both of them and kept every coral happy