Krusnik's 20 Long


New member
Hi everyone! Let's start with a bit of background on how I got here. I had originally wanted an axlotl as a pet and after reading about their care requirements I thought, "You know, since they take all this work to take care of why don't I just go full on reef tank for the same effort". And here we are. So far it's been fun and enjoyable and not as "hard" as one of my friends from a while back made it seem to be, at least for now.

I started this tank around April 28th. Per my LFS advice I started with live sand, dry rock, Bio-Spira, and seeded marine pure balls. After about a week the tank had fully cycled and I added my first fish. Two Oscillaris clowns. Immediately got hooked on the hobby and got way too enthusiastic and proceeded to make what was my first mistake. Stocked my tank way too quickly. About a week after I had added my first fish I paid a visit to my LFS. I had wanted a Coral Beauty Angel but after reading up on them noticed that many places online suggested at least a 30 gallon tank if not larger. But my LFS re-assured my a 20 long was large enough. So as you may have guessed I then proceeded to purchase one. It looked happy enough so about a week and half later I paid them another visit looking for chaeto as I had just added a HOB refugium. That's when I spotted the orchid dottyback. Again, enthusiasm got the better of me and I had added the dottyback to the tank. After I had joined a nano-reef forum I had found out that I was stocking way too quickly and it was at this point I decided to stop buying fish and instead focus on corals... Ohh boy...

Equipment List

Tank: 20 Long tank donated by Sister-In-Law

Main Light: Hipargero LED

Filtration: HOB Penn Plax Cascade 200

Heater: 300W Heater (forgot the brand)

Refugium: Finnex HOB 1 gallon refugium

Refugium Light: ACKE 24w LED grow light

Circulation: Sunsun JVP 110 x2

Substrate: 20lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Fiji Pink, ~20lbs of dry rock

Stocking list:

2 Oscillaris Clowns

1 Orchid Dottyback

1 Dwarf Coral Beauty Angel

Clean up crew:

7 assorted hermit crabs

2 Astrea Snails

2 Turbo Snails

1 Margarita

Coral Frags:

Pulsing Xenia





Zoanthids x2

Candy cane Coral

Since I'm new to this hobby I'll do my best to learn from everyone. Please feel free to leave any advice and if you feel like I'm doing something incorrectly feel free to let me know.

(crappy) Pic taken prior to adding most of the corals.

Camera: Razer Phone...
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I'm on nano-reef too, I think I saw your thread there.

I have a 16g biocube so we are in the same nano boat.

You are kind of maxed on fish, what are your plans for corals moving forward? Will be cool to see your progress.
I'm on nano-reef too, I think I saw your thread there.

I have a 16g biocube so we are in the same nano boat.

You are kind of maxed on fish, what are your plans for corals moving forward? Will be cool to see your progress.

For corals, I really want to get my hands on more euphyllia. Maybe a few mushrooms and add a few more to my zoa garden.