Laser to eradicate blue star polyps


New member
Has anyone tried to eradicate nuisance polyps using lasers.?? If yes what strength laser and where to get it from?
will it penetrate the glass Aquarium without damaging the glass?
Just curiosity at this point in time...
Jay has a sweet zapper, did great with most of my captain america palys, even though some of the bastards came back.
Tired using a 1.4W 445nm and it didn't work. There is just too much mass in the polyps. A single polyp requires a few duty cycles to burn well enough to not come back, when it takes just a few seconds per polyp with tweezers.
Tired using a 1.4W 445nm and it didn't work. There is just too much mass in the polyps. A single polyp requires a few duty cycles to burn well enough to not come back, when it takes just a few seconds per polyp with tweezers.

Josh I will be tweezing for 5 yrs in my 500g .. No thanks .. I will consider mulching them with my dremmel!!! one spot at a time
So no laser to use on this that will eliminate them???
I've been tweezing for going on 3 years in this tank and a couple years in the previous. I HATE it! Without jumping up to at least a 2w and most likely a 2.5w, I don't think you'll be happy. Just like tweezing they grow back, but with the laser they grow back faster as the root is never completely killed.
Using a 2w+ laser brings a new level of danger. There is little chance anything with eyes in your tank won't have eye damage after a while. There is a large amount of ambient laser energy in the water with a 1.2w, doubling the power has to light up the room you are using it in as if it has a giant search light in it.
I will consider mulching them with my dremmel!!! one spot at a time

There is a product on the market, algae mower vac. It's a powerhead with a drill bit on the impeller, so kinda like a underwater dremel. It doesn't work very well on palys. It tears up the polyp but leaves the base to grow back. Please let us know if you find a better way than tweezers. I hate these d#mn palys.
Thanks Josh I had seen that gadget advertised and I thought it might be OKbut first I bought a useless Aptasia wand and now need to control those palys. I wold love to try some-kind of a laser and I am not sure why I am saying that...
Yeah np.

I wold love to try some-kind of a laser and I am not sure why I am saying that...

Don't get me wrong. If used with the same concern for safety as a firearm, lasers are a blast. After initial trials using one in the tank with less than good results, it was moved to the pure fun category. The refraction from the glass one time was small enough to not be able to be seen while I had safety glasses on, but still strong enough to burn my wrist above my cuff, leaving a scare.
Thank You ALL and if I come up with anyway to control them I will post here. Now the challenge is who will give up first??
Yeah np.

Don't get me wrong. If used with the same concern for safety as a firearm, lasers are a blast. After initial trials using one in the tank with less than good results, it was moved to the pure fun category. The refraction from the glass one time was small enough to not be able to be seen while I had safety glasses on, but still strong enough to burn my wrist above my cuff, leaving a scare.

OK Laser are out Thanks Josh for the info...
OK I bought the wand to zap undesirables but wont work on BSP and bought the algae mower and that is a joke as far as usefulness IMO....So I am back to ?? Using a toothbrush and a metal brush it does remove the BSP Not sure about the roots. Rock looks clean in small area I brushed. How damaging to the water column is killing them in the DT as I have to do the brush thing to reduce the quantity ... Would like to know that there is or there is not much danger in brushing them off??
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When doing similar to Z&P, I do it in small batches. Some SPS and LPS react negatively for a few hours after a tweezing session. The SPS and LPS will deflate, lose PE or slime up. Not sure it's it's due to paly toxin or other chemicals, but small patches would be the safest bet.