Leather Carpet anemone!


Active member
I relocated the circulation pump away from the carpet Anemone last week,
my anemone didn't like it so he moved around and stuck in the filter tube, I pulled him out but small part of him had to but cut off. then he stuck on the glass again but yesterday he moved and got stick back to the filter again
this time I have to cut him in half to get him out..
do you think he gonna make it? after I cut him in half I dipped him in the coral dip. hope this help..
this morning he looks ok to me..do you think the wound will be heal soon?
1 more question, what happen if the salt salinity is so high? will it cause the fish stress, ich or die? how about the coral? just wonder...
You have a world of issues my friend:

Carpet anemones don't do good when cut and most always wither away and die.
They need strong lighting to thrive,they love to bury their foots in the sand and have a place to retract if need-be.

Salinity--Do you have a refractometer?A cheap hydrometer won't cut it,it'll be close but you should invest a few bucks in a good refractometer.It will stress fish and cause them all to breathe heavier due to lower oxygen content in water.

How long has your tank been setup?What type of lighting and skimmer do you have?
my tank is been setup for 3 months. I have intank skimmer 115, 120w Led = 250w MHL
will take some salt water out and put in some RO water.
You need a refractometer, hydrometers are not acurate and can be off by alot. Carpets can get a bad infection when cut and die, so good luck with yours. invest in an auto top off to keep your salinity stable.
Wow,3 months is not nearly enough time to add any type of anemone,let alone a carpet.Give it some more time,how big is your tank?What brand led's?Is it just a cheap ebay fixture?

A carpet anemone under stress will crash your tank if you're not careful.
all my corals are doing great..
RBTA are doing great..fish too.
my tank is great, just one problem that I forgot to check it salinity..
today I will add some R/O water ..
my corals grow under that LED. 55 x3w led.
they Pop when the light on..I love this light..I paid $200 for the light.
first my carpt was doing great in the tank..he grew good, but when i relocated the circulation pump then he started moving away. That is why he got suck in the filter..nothing wrong with the tank...
Mixing nem species is a really bad idea. Have you ever heard of chemical warfare? This is not going to end well, I'm afraid... :(
Mixing nem species is a really bad idea. Have you ever heard of chemical warfare? This is not going to end well, I'm afraid... :(

There are plenty of people who do it successfully. Speaking in absolutes does not serve to help anyone. If allelopathy (chemical warefare) was the end all of mixing species, things like mixed reefs would not exist One of the most effective combatants to allelopathy is simple GAC (carbon). This carbon absorbs the toxins put off by different species of coral and anemone and allow them to live together in a closed environment like the one that we provide.
While everyone has a valid response and I agree with, I personally believe a nem should only be put in an established tank. I got rid of mine a few weeks back because it was a newly set up tank that I transferred to and I didn't believe it wasn't established. I put in and it did horrible for me. I think we should all take our time to do research before adding anything as they are living creatures and have needs as well.
+1 cubbies

Specially in such a small tank he has he should stick to just one anemone because both type of anemones move around and they got so little space to move
yes, thanks he doing good now and hosting the RBTA.. he is hanging out with the chromis ahahah funny..