I'm an original purchaser of reefledlights.com fixtures, both 8 years or more ago, and 6 months ago, more specific, the new XTC series. They are awesome. They are expensive. They are quality. They aren't for everyone. They have MUCH more POWER than most. With that power, they also have the spectrum to back up. It's what I needed with a 30" deep tank. I've grown sps, still have a few. Sps and sand, no prob. SPS color up and grow different under different lights, not a rocket science secret. Cheap eBay fixtures appear to also work, but can't hold a candle to the power XTC puts out. It's a BIG difference... Look at the numbers, distances, electric consumption, and spectrum. Seems like most corals will grow with any ol' led fixture, but spectrum and intensity will change the end outcome, months or years down the line. How can one know what would look different with another light? Water conditions and flow also play a role. Many are happy with cheap led fixtures, and that's cool. I'm saying, I'm EXTREMELY happy with XTC fixtures. I won't need to change for years, if ever. Bashing Bill for his fixtures because of price, and that's the ONLY hurdle I see, not worth writing them off. It's a well built fixture, capable of powering. Not to mention supporting a local, which seems most are ready to "chuck under the bus" because of costs alone....
Saw donkey, Mai, and others, you guys have AWESOME corals. I've seen your tanks. That's great that your corals do well with different fixtures. I've enjoyed your pics. I've seen a lot of tanks with great results with cheap LED lights. I'd just be careful to write off XCT lights, they really are nice.