let's see some ricordeas.


I bought this one at the 2011 holiday party at MCF. I think it looks like it is splitting again and I thought this was a pretty cool shot of that. I'd love to see how many different ricordeas we can get in this thread because they're really a favorite of mine. The blue one on the right is one of the many that I got from m.miller (thanks again). Show us your rics. . .
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Quite a few really nice ricordias for only $15 over at Windy City Reefs

At the risk of sounding like a jerk... Shouldn't this be in your sponsor's thread? Or at least include a picture, since this is the photography and video section. ;)
my very first ric...and actually my only ric (for now)

Quite a few nice rics in the groupe buy for $8 ;)

Gotta wait till it gets alittle warmer though..

Be on the lookout for GB3 :)
Quite a few nice rics in the groupe buy for $8 ;)

Gotta wait till it gets alittle warmer though..

Be on the lookout for GB3 :)

That's where I got all of my rics. I'll try to get some pictures when i get home. I've got 3 that are doing awesome. 1 had some issues and is really small, but coming back. Another got loose and is floating around, see it every now and then. Looks happy, but is always in a place I can't get to. The 6th one got loose and I haven't seen it since.
That's where I got all of my rics. I'll try to get some pictures when i get home. I've got 3 that are doing awesome. 1 had some issues and is really small, but coming back. Another go lose and is floating around, see it every now and then. Looks happy, but is always in a place I can't get to. The 6th one got loose and I haven't seen it since.
For $8 can't beat it either way. Better than dropping $15-50 and have a $50 ric float away to never be seen lol

Not home but ill post mine.. had a few kinda melt still hanging on but don't look so hot..