Little Neptune auto feeder holder


So before my AFS was clamped onto my overflow box as it was the only spot I could position it with the cable coming off the back.

So at work today I grabbed some scrap and a can of spray on truck bed liner and made this little do hickey to attach to my canopy. I am by no means good with wood, and had many of the shop guys yelling at me. "Wear saftey glasses, don't put your hand under the blade" silly stuff like that


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Looks dope.
Ever consider one of those feeder rings? To keep the food from going to the overflow?

But with an apex. You probably have your supply pump shut off during feedings.

Well the feeder ring thing works great!
I love my feeder. It's a little noisy but, honestly it doesn't bother me as it only runs twice a day, and during the work week one of those times I'm at work. I also like knowing it's actually feeding.

I do wish there was a sensor of sorts to tell you it was getting low on food

No feeder ring as my pumps shut down 2 mins before feeding.

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