live rock question : what would happen


Well-known member
so, i have some dry bleached rock and some live (assuming now dead) rock and some live rock.

i intend to use it to setup a tank in january and ill be on vacation all december till mid jan, roughly 45 days.

Victor, being soo nice offered to cycle that rock while im gone so it will be ready by the time i come back ( yes i am moving my corals to another reefers tank so i want this tank setup as soon as i come back)

but i was thinking if i can save him the trouble and find an alternative to do it myself.

So here is what i think i can do. and you experts please tell me if i had to change anything.. Goal being it being ready to just add to the tank and add corals and fish in like the first week.

Method 1:

1. keep the dry and dead rock in a bucket of saltwater with a power head till mid november changing water every week ( i know its a fucking pain)
2. then toss all this rock together along with the live rock from my tank in a tub with fresh saltwater
3. make arrangements for ATO and add a heater and pump end of november and go on vacation.
4. this will stay like that for 45 days just the top off and no water changes. .

result : will this get me cycled and seeded rock ready for me to use when i come back ?

Method 2:

1. let the bleached rock and dead rock sit dry till november rinsing it off now and then.
2. End of november, completely rinse of the rocks
3. then toss all this rock together along with the live rock from my tank in a tub with fresh saltwater
4. make arrangements for ATO and add a heater and pump end of november and go on vacation.
5. this will stay like that for 45 days just the top off and no water changes. .

result : will this get me cycled and seeded rock ready for me to use when i come back ?

Please advice.
I would think either one would work just fine. I guess it just depends on how much work you would like to do.
I would think either one would work just fine. I guess it just depends on how much work you would like to do.

Sweet .. so i can just the leave rock dry and that die off would be source of ammonia and the rock cycles in the tub ?? and yea i will add a heater also.

would it fine ? i mean with all the phosphates and ammonia being generated by the dead rock isnt that too much ?

and would it all vanish at the end of the cycle ?
why don't you make it real simple. just borrow a brute container(44 gallon or so) put saltwater, all the rock, a powerhead , and a heater in there. if the rocks are close to water surface then maybe a topoff device. you can also use the lid to cover partially so evaporation is minimal. i use a 20 long for my extra live rock. just have a powerhead and heater in there. this is just in case i get bored with my aquascapes in my other tank to use. I assume it is just going to be only rock in there.
i have may be like rock that can fit in like 2 5 gallon buckets so yea may be 10 gallon brute would be a good idea ( if they make them for 10 gallons)

main question being would that dead stuff and phospates the cycle the rock in a month ?

why don't you make it real simple. just borrow a brute container(44 gallon or so) put saltwater, all the rock, a powerhead , and a heater in there. if the rocks are close to water surface then maybe a topoff device. you can also use the lid to cover partially so evaporation is minimal. i use a 20 long for my extra live rock. just have a powerhead and heater in there. this is just in case i get bored with my aquascapes in my other tank to use. I assume it is just going to be only rock in there.
it all depends. how much live rock is actually live. you can start the process a few weeks before you leave. you need to supply an ammonia source to feed the bacteria. i have used fish food and actual ammonia to start my cycles. Maybe use an automatic feeder or doser on a timer and have it supply the bucket every other day or so. i believe the smallest brute commercial grade(grey) container is a 32 gallon. if that is not possible, use an old 20 gallon tank. the best scenario would be that you could be around and weekly test your water for ammonia and nitrates, but this method should get you close.
Thanks for the suggestion ..

that sounds like a good idea actually ..

so the flake food or what ever would be a good source of ammonia and if i come back to zero nitrites and zero ammonia, then i can consider it all cycled. and use it right away.


it all depends. how much live rock is actually live. you can start the process a few weeks before you leave. you need to supply an ammonia source to feed the bacteria. i have used fish food and actual ammonia to start my cycles. Maybe use an automatic feeder or doser on a timer and have it supply the bucket every other day or so. i believe the smallest brute commercial grade(grey) container is a 32 gallon. if that is not possible, use an old 20 gallon tank. the best scenario would be that you could be around and weekly test your water for ammonia and nitrates, but this method should get you close.
one more question,

so i understand the ghost feeding method to cycle the lr and make it live..

do we have to keep feeding ( or provide something even after the rock is live or just it being in water and circulating with a heater good enough to keep it live ?