Long Time Lurker. Biocube 29.


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Hi, long time lurker, haven't posted. I am Adam in Deerfield.

My 5yr old daughter and I have a Biocube 29 in her room. Tank just turned 3. Fish We have 2 false percula clowns (Nemo and Daddy Nemo),Yasha Goby + Pistol Pair (Yasha + Magnum), 1 Tangora Goby (Goby), and Ora Captive Raised Orchid Dottyback (Violet). Mix of LPS,SPS, and softies. Inverts of all kinds though we are going shrimp free from here on out. Real bad picture below. I need to up my reef photography game.

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ug why is this picture upside down still , it is right side up on my side. no my tank is not in zero gravity. im that guy.
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Nice looking tank. Looks mature.

What's lights over the tank?

List of electronics?

With the list of fish...and none in the photo. Is it hide and seek every day?
Lights http://nanoboxreef.com Nano Retroed my bio cube hood. Amazing growth since I got rid of the stock lights. I run tunze ATO, I forgot what return pump I have going now, having long since replaced the stock coralife. I have an in tank media basket, don't have a skimmer. MP10 for random flow. Basically a DIY solution for a controller where I run these out of support ubiquiti mfi Mpro outlet strip that i can setup programs for. The rest of the stuff is boring, heater, ph monitor, etc.

Right now the fishy friends are trying to figure out the pecking order, which has changed the dynamics. The orchid dotty is newish and keeps digging right by Yasha's hole, so that guy has gotten a little cautious and only comes out for a couple hours before feeding time. This has happened before and eventually him and the pistol move and then they stay out for about half the day. The clowns are super active, but since they started making sweet love and having babies, they are more protective, swimming to the front of the tank and then quickly back to their eggs in the back. The tangora goby is pretty much out every day. He used to hang right in front of the cave, but the dotty decided that is not where he wants the goby since she now likes the cave so he got pushed off to the side. Goby decided to poke around by the clown eggs, and he got a chunk of his tail fin bit. He now leaves the clowns alone. Finally the dotty was shy for the first 2 days, and now I see her out a lot. She does dart from the cave, to holes in the live rock, to digging and carrying rocks and sand to the front and making a big mess. She is by far the most active. The clowns deciding to produce eggs every 2 weeks and the dotty's arrival unfortunately turned out to happen at the exact same time which certainly upset the apple cart more than intended. She is an Ora Orchid Dotty and I didn’t want an aggressive one, but also knew i couldn't have a shy guy, as the clowns would bully it. Seems to be balancing out.

Thanks for the interest.

It’s definitely a heavily stocked bio cube, but with chemical filtration and a fair amount of live rock, I have been ok.

I will try to get some pics of the fish. I really need to up my photography game for my tank. I have a DSLR and good lenses and am a competent photographer, just have not bothered to learn or break out the equipment for the reef tank. Been using my phone and obviously the pictures suck. All my pictures on land are pretty good. :)
That's a great reply. I'm certain even my 3yr old could understand what you explained with the fish activities.

Any plans to upgrade a larger system to a diff room in the place?
That is an ongoing discussion in the household. Down the road yes. In the interim I might start back up a 10g I have as a frag tank. Seems to be easier to sell the wife on multiple small tanks vs 1 big, despite 1 big one being a heck of a lot less work once established. It’s a battle I could win but not worth the collateral damage.

My daughter would be fine if we filled up the whole bottom level of the house with sea water and had a giant reef. She already thinks she is a mermaid so it would work out... I shouldn’t joke as with the flooding last summer we did have a not so fresh freshwater pond in my basement and garage.