Looking for Frag Tank Builder


Active member
I know Anthony from nanoseacreations does an awesome job, but he hasn't return my emails or textes, I need to find out who else can qoute me a price of a Frag Tank? Not looking for Used

How big? If you're considering a look-down tank, then a simple plywood tank may be a good option. Similar to what Brian at ReefWise built, but maybe on a smaller scale.
I know Anthony from nanoseacreations does an awesome job, but he hasn't return my emails or textes, I need to find out who else can qoute me a price of a Frag Tank? Not looking for Used


He posted here a couple days (weeks maybe) ago, apologizing for the delay in response...so he's here somewhere.
He posted here a couple days (weeks maybe) ago, apologizing for the delay in response...so he's here somewhere.

Yeah I know who he is he's built a few things for me before... I kind of figured he was super busy. I guess that's a good thing for him...
He's got a few large scale tanks taking a lot of his time right now. Having a hard time getting all the small tank orders squeezed in there.