Looking for Scoly Help

I got this indonesian scoly from Reefwise almost a month ago. I put it in the sandbed of my tank, where it had moderate flow, and had a rocky outcrop blocking some of the light. Within a day it was opening fully.

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It was fine for about two weeks or so. Then one day, it stopped opening up fully. At first I thought it was because I changed a powerhead and maybe it was getting too much/not enough water movement, so I redirected powerheads. I then thought maybe it was too much/not enough light, so I tried moving it into fully exposed light, lowering my lights, putting it in a small cave, etc. I still see tissue on the skeleton, but it isn't opening fully. It also looks like there is some algae growth on part of the skeleton tips. I have a wellso that is doing perfectly fine in my 75, so I even moved the scoly next to it to see if it would help, it didn't. I tried to spot feed but it was too difficult to do in my 75.

Here's a photo of it recessed.

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I have since moved it to my nano tank which has less powerful lights, and it is easier to control the water and feed the tank.

Anyone else have any other advice on what to do to get this guy to open fully?
what fish do you have in your tank?
I had scolly shrivel up, moved out to another tank away from a coal beauty and it opened up
what fish do you have in your tank?
I had scolly shrivel up, moved out to another tank away from a coal beauty and it opened up

I did have a flame angel and tangs, but they never seemed to bother it until it already started to recede.

I just recently moved it into my 12 gallon where I only have 2 clowns and a BTA, so it definitely will be monitored more closely.
You need to feed it, not sure if its not too late now, looks very starved. You said you tried to spot feed but was to difficult, what do you mean?
You need to feed it, not sure if its not too late now, looks very starved. You said you tried to spot feed but was to difficult, what do you mean?

It's been in this condition for less than two weeks, so I hope it's not too late.

I had too much water movement, plus cleaner shrimp that would make it difficult to spot feed. Especially being out in the open. It's now in a different tank where it will be much easier.

As of monday, I still saw the feeding tentacles coming out when I fed the tank.
As long as u find it a happy place it should come back . I had one get eatin all the way to skeleton and the mouth was even partially gone and it came back nicely

I have also noticed that they did best with low light and med flow too much light and it bleaches, too much flow and it closes up and skeleton get poked thru the meat . . Just my experience with them
Great, it should take food then, in the future what you can do in your main tank to prevent fish, shrimp and crabs from stealing food from slow feeding corals like scolys, is take plastic water bottle, diameter a little bigger than your scoly and cut the top portion off few inches below the opening. Now you can place this over your scoly, you must attach some weight to it or hold it somehow and feed through the bottle opening from top. This will create a barrier from faster fish and shrimp and give your scoly enough time to eat. After feeding , just pull it out of thank til next feed.
Great, it should take food then, in the future what you can do in your main tank to prevent fish, shrimp and crabs from stealing food from slow feeding corals like scolys, is take plastic water bottle, diameter a little bigger than your scoly and cut the top portion off few inches below the opening. Now you can place this over your scoly, you must attach some weight to it or hold it somehow and feed through the bottle opening from top. This will create a barrier from faster fish and shrimp and give your scoly enough time to eat. After feeding , just pull it out of thank til next feed.

It's in my 12 gallon now so I won't really need to worry about thieves, it's also going to be easier to control the lighting and water movement.