Looking to buy Mystery Wrasse

How's the Mystery doing?

Good. He's in my DT, but still in he's safety box. Gonna release him after lights out tonight. I'm glad the tank transfer method of QT is over. Swapping tanks, bleaching equipment, making water,etc every 72 hours is a PIA.


If I can ask where you bought that "safety-acclimating" box?
Great fish btw, cannot wait to buy mine for 100g fowlr
If I can ask where you bought that "safety-acclimating" box?
Great fish btw, cannot wait to buy mine for 100g fowlr

It's just a shoe storage thingy off of amazon that I drilled holes in. The hinge had metal rods that I removed and just sealed with zip ties.

The mystery is on the loose in my tank. I'm worried though because my six line, Picaso trigger, and lemon peel angel are all picking on him. Didn't look good today. Hopefully they let up after a day or two. These jerks typically pick on new fish for a couple of days and then get bored with it. Hopefully this is the case here too.
My mystery is also in my DT. In my case, it hid for 2days on the 3rd day it decided to wonder out so to ease the problem i also placed an urchin a diamond back goby and a splendid dotty back.

Who took the beating? The goby. The goby unable to fend for it self got beaten so bad i havent checked but i placed it in my sump. I dont have much hope for it but if it pulls through ill get him a pair. Soon as he went into the tank he started working on my sandbed (thats why i got it)

The mystery got some rips on its fins but seems to be able to out swim the larger bullies. As for the splendid dottyback its also able to fend for itself.
The urchin....really pisses off my picasso trigger because he cant bite it.

So i guess now. Im looking for a diamond back goby and a midas blenny